
The Woltjen Lab visited collaborators at Concordia University’s Genome Foundry and McGill University in Montreal, Canada!

The Woltjen Lab was at Till & McCulloch Meeting 2023 in Toronto, Canada!

Kyoto Represents Synthetic Biology in Paris!


What do iPS cell mean to the Woltjen Lab?

Woltjen Lab at the Future Ph.D. Fest 2023!

Technical Staff, Alex Liu’s paper on a new DNA cloning method was published 技術補佐員Alex LiuさんのDNAクローニング技術に関する論文が出版されました

![Dr. Woltjen presents on aging research at 第23回日本抗加齢医学会総会 [JAAM] 2023](https://woltjen.cira.kyoto-u.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-Icon_square-160x160.png)