
Our Lab is Recruiting!

We are open to accepting applicants of any nationality.
In all cases, proficiency in Japanese OR English is a requirement.

For applicants from outside of Japan, please contact us well ahead of time to ensure the correct application process is followed.

ウォルツェン研には多国籍メンバーが在籍していますので、日本で「プチ留学」しながら研究ができます。詳しくは、研究室メンバーによる執筆 日本国内で「プチ」留学する をご参考ください。

Applications to the CiRA Research Internship Program are open!
Spend your Summer learning how to control the human genome with us!  (JP / EN)

Please email if you’re thinking of applying.

Learn more about the CiRA internship from previous awardees!
2024 – Julia Dreimann (Humboldt University, Germany).
2023 – Jose Paolo Aguilar (University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines).

Open positions can be found on the CiRA Website. (JP / EN)
Please contact us if you are interested in employment opportunities.

New postings for open positions are typically made in late Winter or Summer for Spring or Fall start times, respectively.
Please contact us if you are interested in employment opportunities.

Acceptance of full-time Postdoctoral Fellows is currently under consideration on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact us to discuss potential research projects and funding opportunities.

Prospective Graduate Students are required to apply to the Graduate School of Medicine at Kyoto University. Please review guidelines and important dates regarding the Entrance Exam.
Please contact us with questions regarding the application process, and to discuss potential research projects.

Foreign applicants should initiate contact well in advance of the University deadlines, to ensure the correct steps are taken for examination, funding, and international travel. We are happy to discuss the process!

Important Dates:
* Prospective Graduate Student Orientation at CiRA is typically held each year in early May. Please check the CiRA website for the exact date.
* Establishing contact for interviews with potential supervisors is recommended to be done as early as possible (before the end of June). Approval is required for Entrance Exam documentation.
* Deadline to submit an Entrance Exam Application document is mid-July (M.Sc.) or August (Ph.D.).
* Entrance Examination is held in Late August (M.Sc.) or late Summer / early Autumn (Ph.D.)
* Graduate positions start April of the following year.

The application process for funding must typically be initiated in the spring prior to Graduate School application. Please take care to consider this in your plans.

For foreign M.Sc. students, MEXT Japanese Government funding often requires candidates to spend their first year as a Research Student (kenkyusei). Thus, students will write the entrance exam ~6 months after arriving in Japan. In some instances this wait period may be waived. Please contact us to discuss details.

More information and links can be found on the CiRA Website.

If you are currently an Undergraduate, Graduate, Postdoctoral Fellow, or PI and are interested in initiating studies in Japan (or short-term research exchanges) competitive funding is available. For more information on the range of programs and their requirements, consider the following resources:

JSPS Major funding agency supporting foreign researchers from the graduate to PI level.
* Postdoctoral Fellowships Standard and short-term
* JSPS Summer Program Short-term exchange for pre-/post-doctoral researchers
* Invitational Fellowships Supporting short-term travel for collaborators

Monbukagakusho Scholarships and general Information on studying in Japan

Official MEXT website (Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

MEXT funding opportunities are mediated through your home country’s Japanese Embassy. Please confirm specifics of application deadlines and processes, as they differ from region to region.

Please contact us to discuss these opportunities further. In some cases, coordination between your home (current) and host (Japanese) institutions is required.