Image Gallery
In and Around the lab

Woltjen lab group photo with “W,” presenting “Woltjen lab” in April 2023.

Representative images of human iPS cell colonies expressing one of three reporter genes (from left to right): lacZ (blue), GFP (green) and mCherry (red).

Cherry blossoms (Sakura) in the gardens at the Imperial Palace (Gosho), Kyoto, April 2010.
photo: Knut Woltjen

The first mouse piggyBac iPS cell colonies. Twins born April 13, 2008. Congratulations! Welcome Mia and Tia to the world.
photo: Knut Woltjen

piggyBac iPS cell-derived 10.5dpc chimeric mouse embryo. Transgene expression induced in utero to activate factor-linked lacZ (blue).
First appeared in Woltjen et al. (2009) Nature 458, p766-770.
photo: Knut Woltjen

Trichoplusia ni – the Cabbage Looper Moth
Within this moth’s genome is where piggyBac was discovered by Malcolm J Fraser.
photo: Pedro Pires [permission for photo reproduction]

Submission for the cover of Nature (rejected! Doh.), depicting (rather loosely) the application of piggyBac transposons for iPS cell production.
Adobe Illustrator Drawing: Knut Woltjen